Workers' Party of Ireland notes with great sadness the death of the President of Venezuela, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, and
extends its sincere condolences to his family, his party, the government and the people of Venezuela. President Chávez
was an inspiration to progressive forces in Latin America and throughout the world and a beacon of hope to the exploited and
Chávez in alliance with the progressive forces in his country transformed Venezuela. Under
the banner of the Bolivarian Revolution workers, small farmers, women and the poor who have traditionally been excluded
from political life have been provided with a voice. The introduction of free education, universal health care, land reform,
opposition to privatisation and neo-liberalism together with the control over the country’s wealth and natural resources
has brought about far-reaching progressive change and are a vital element of the struggle to eradicate poverty and meet the social and economic needs of the Venezuelan people.
President Chavez, with his gallant Cuban allies, challenged the ideology
of neo-liberalism, economic globalisation, the corporatisation of the world order and the subordination of national economies
and natural resources to the interests of big capital and imperialist aggression. He asserted the right of states to preserve
their national sovereignty against external interference and gave hope to the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.
At a time when capitalism is rocked by economic crisis, several Latin American
governments are actively engaged in developing alternatives to capitalist strategies.
more than ever, the peoples of Latin America and the world have a vested interest in destroying the old economic order, creating
the conditions for the development of a new mode of production and advancing society to a new and higher stage. Ultimately,
in these conditions, the working class can only emancipate itself by abolishing capitalism and constructing a socialist society.
Chavez, through his bravery and enduring commitment, made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the peoples’
struggles in Venezuela and throughout the region. His enduring legacy lies in the Bolivarian Revolution he did so much to
build. We salute that contribution which won him great respect and affection throughout the world.
Workers’ Party of Ireland renews its solidarity with the people and progressive forces of Venezuela at this sad and
difficult time. We are confident that the gains and achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution will be defended and preserved.
Central Executive
The Workers'
Party of Ireland
March 2013