Author Price
Bodenstown 2009 Oration by Mary Diskin, Education Spokeswoman €3.00
Bodenstown 2008 Oration by Michael Finnegan, WP President
Bodenstown 2007 Oration by Justin O'Hagan, Ard Comhairle
Bodenstown 2006 Oration by Gerry Grainger, International Cttee
Civil Rights, Reform or Revolution Citizen Press
Lillie Connolly, Her Life & Times
Carol Murphy
Nurse Elizabeth O'Farrell
-the Story of the 1916 Surrender National Commemoration
Ctte €2.00
James Connolly -
A Full life lived for Full Freedom
Sean Garland (lecture) €2.00
Tony Gill, Street Poet of Dublin (Anthology) Tom Crilly
For Whom the Hangman's Noose was Spun Sean Cronin
(Wolfe Tone & The United Irishmen)
The Concept of Republicanism
Des O'Hagan
Jemmy Hope - Man of the People
Sean Cronin
Remember '98 Seminar
Proceedings €2.00
The Working Class & the
Struggle for the Republic
George Gilmore
Bodenstown 1998
(Bicentenary Oration)
Sean Garland
Faith of Our Fathers
(A Study of Nationalism)
Maurice Goldring
Cathal Goulding (1923-1998)
(Thinker, Socialist, Republican, Revolutionary) WP CEC
Where We Stand - The Republican Position
(Carrickmore Speech & Prologue) Tomás
MacGiolla €2.50
Patterns of Betrayal,
The Flight from Socialism (1992)
Workers Party CEC €2.50
Why Socialism?
Albert Einstein
Aspects of the History & Ideology
of the Workers' Party Workers
Party CEC €1.50
The Future is Socialism
Workers Party CEC €1.50
Internationalism in the 21st Century Workers
Party CEC €1.50
Building Socialism in the 21st Century Workers Party CEC
Drug Crime- A dagger at the Heart
of the Working Class (1999) Workers
Party CEC €1.50
Stop the Privatisation of Public Assets Workers Party CEC €1.50
Liam McMillen - Separatist, Socialist, Republican Repsol
Barbarity Breeds Barbarity
(The World post the Iraq Invasion)
Workers Party CEC €2.00
Workers Party pens and T-shirts also available