Below are some links to other websites you might find useful.
Workers' Party Northern Ireland Region
Look Left - bi-monthly newspaper of the Workers' Party of Ireland
Councillor Ted Tynan's Cork Blog
Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties of Europe
Cuban Five - five unjustly held Cuban prisoners in US jail.
Peace & Neutrality Alliance (PANA)
Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU)
SolidNet - A resource centre of the international Communist and Worker's parties.
WFDY - World Federation of Democratic Youth
World Peace Council
World Federation of Trade Unions
Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Cuba Support Group Ireland
Granma International (English Version) - official daily newspaper of the Cuban Communist Party
Campaign Against the EU Constitution
Free the Miami Five - Committee to Free the Cuban Five (Five Cuban men unjustly held in the USA)
Shell to Sea - campaign for health, safety, environment and resources and against the Shell Oil Corporation's destruction of a Mayo community
Communist Party of Portugal (International pages in English)
Communist Party of Greece (International pages, in English)
Marxist Internet Archive
Monthly Review - US based independent socialist magazine
Left Books
Transnational Institute
Tasc - Independent Research Network
Transparency International - highlighting and campaigning against corruption
Peace, Work, Democracy & Class Politics