Kevin McNally stated: "there can be no justification for the organised violence and attacks on the homes and property
of entirely innocent people, many of whom were young families and the the eldery".
"That such violence was clearly organised by a para-military group, and that shots were fired, is a most worrying development
and should demonstrate that the peace we have is a fragile one, and, as The Workers Party has stated many times, most
recently in the Assembly elections, the scourge of sectarianism and the effects of segregation remain deeply rooted in Northern
Ireland society Unless those issues are addressed and tackled in a serious way, one which moves our society towards integration
and common citizenship, then sadly the potential for a reoccurence in East Belfast and other parts of Northern Ireland remains".
"The immediate priority in East Belfast must be to ensure that in the next few days and weeks there is no repeat of last
night's violence. There are several marches approaching in the area and the community must unite so that the minority of people
who stoke the flames of hatred and division do not succeed".
Issued: Tuesday 21st June 2011