South Belfast spokesperson Paddy Lynn has criticised the current proposal, its timing and its lack of context.
"The proposal to close the A&E department at BCH has been taken with indecent haste", he said. "Despite a review of
local health services announced by the Minister, this decision is being hurried through with little thought for the consequences
or for the options", he said
"The proposal and the consultation process must now be put on hold until the wider debate takes place" Mr Lynn demanded
"Better integration of services will be a key discussion point during that debate. Integration of decision making is equally
important in this process. The future of the City A&E department can only be decided as part of a complete review of health
and social care services," concluded Mr Lynn.
Therefore, The Workers Party will be supporting tomorrow’s demonstration against the proposed closure of
the A&E department which takes place at 12 noon outside the City Hospital.