“The construction
industry” stated Michael Finnegan “has been notorious for generations for malpractice by employers. Building companies
have always placed profit first and both their customers and their employees were mere pawns in maximising profits.”
“Over 100,000
building workers are unemployed due to the greed and incompetence of land speculators and building companies. Many of these
workers have had great difficulties receiving any social welfare payments as they have now discovered that while their employer
deducted PAYE, PRSI and pension contributions from their wages every week but never passed on those deductions to the Revenue.”
“Tom Parlon
and his ilk have no respect for workers. They are fundamentally opposed to Trade Unions, to the concept of collective bargaining
and legally enforceable workers’ rights, and to the existence of Registered Employment Agreements. The CIF stood idly by for years as the construction industry annually recorded the highest mortality and injury
rate of any industry in Ireland. They refuse to expel or discipline member companies
who have openly flouted the law with regards to pension contributions. They seem to believe they have a God-given right to
maximum profit and access to the good life by impoverishing workers. If and when we see construction industry bosses lining
up outside their local dole offices we may take the bleating of Mr Parlon more seriously.”
"What this country
needs is jobs. We need sustainable, well paid jobs that will take families out of the poverty trap and help to stimulate
the domestic economy. The CIF wage cut proposal will not generate one extra job. Slave wages as proposed by the CIF are
neither a recipe for high employment nor a vibrant domestic economy as is amply demonstrated by the Irish economic experience
from the 1920s to the 1980s."
“The Workers
Party” concluded Mr Finnegan “pledges our full support to the workers in the construction industry. Workers are
entitled to their dignity and to a fair wage for their work”.
Friday 10th Feb 2012