May 2012
Workers' Party of Ireland sends fraternal best wishes to the KKE for the elections in Greece on 6th May. These elections are
an important opportunity for the working class and popular strata of Greece to decisively reject the attacks upon them
by the Troika and the Greek ruling class. These anti-democratic and anti-people forces seek to rob the people of Greece, of
Ireland and of every state in Europe to pay for the problems inherent in capitalism under the name of austerity and the
mantra of There Is No Alternative.
We know there is an alternative. Socialism is the alternative. The Workers'
Party of Ireland takes inspiration from the leading role that the KKE continues to play in leading the opposition to the anti-people
measures being implemented by the Greek government and the foreign and domestic bourgeoisie in whose interests it rules. We
trust that the working people of Greece will recognise that role when they enter the ballot boxes on 6th May. Only
a strong vote for the KKE offers an opportunity for the Greek people to escape the crisis in a way that benefits the working
class and popular strata rather than the bourgeoisie.
The Greek elections are important to workers across
Europe, just as they are to the oligarchs. A strong progressive message from the Greek people would inspire the opposition
to the austerity programme across the rest of Europe, and frighten the oligarchs, deepening the crisis for
the capitalists and opening opportunities for greater and more successful resistance. In the Republic of Ireland, the
Workers' Party is fighting to defeat the Austerity Treaty in the referendum to be held on 31st May. This vote represents
an important opportunity to derail the Troika's plans to write neo-liberal austerity into the constitutions of all
the governments in the EU. We do so knowing that progressive forces across Europe are watching in solidarity with progressive
forces in Ireland. It is a difficult task as the Troika and the native ruling class seeks to intimidate the electorate,
but we are confident that the Treaty can be defeated. A positive election for the KKE can help create the conditions in Ireland
to defeat the Treaty. The WPI seeks the solidarity of the KKE and the Communist and Workers’ Parties throughout Europe
in its efforts to defeat the Treaty. All messages of support and offers of assistance will be gratefully accepted.
extend our solidarity to the Greek working class, to the popular strata, and to the KKE for the elections and the broader
struggle against the Troika and the oligarchs. We wish you every success in your efforts. We await the outcome knowing that
your struggle is our struggle. Victory to the KKE!
Executive Committee
Party of Ireland