The IPSC 5-point plan - five simple things everybody
can do to help stop the Israeli assault on Gaza.
1. Email your public representatives and ask them to demand the Irish Government take
action to end to the Israeli attacks.
2. Email or call the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Eamon Gilmore TD)
- and demand the Irish Government take action to end to the Israeli attacks.
3. Boycott Israeli Goods! Products exported from Israel such as diamonds, fruit, vegetables, cosmetics and plastics are frequently
sold in Irish shops. If you see them don’t buy them. Even better, complain about their presence.
4. Get active in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
5. Share this message amongst friends, family and co-workers. Use Twitter, Facebook, Google and other social media sites.
Some of these actions will take one minute, some may take years. The IPSC urges you to do
something, no matter how small.