The Workers’ Party in County Meath have accused Swedish multinational Boliden, which operates Tara mines, of acting
the bully against 670 workers at the mine which is Europe’s largest zinc and lead mine.
Local Workers’ Party activist Seamus McDonagh said that Boliden were operating different labour relations standards
at Tara to what was the norm in its home country of Sweden and he accused the company of breaking its own Code of Conduct
which states that relations with workers is based on mutual respect.
“Once again we have a multinational which has reaped huge profits from the harvesting and development of Irish
natural resources acting the bully towards Irish workers who have given years of service.
Boliden are using the current economic crisis in Ireland to put the squeeze on workers to drive down their wages and
working conditions in a company that continues to be highly profitable”, said Mr. McDonagh.
The Workers’ Party spokesman called on Boliden to withdraw the protective notice which had been issued to the
Tara workers last Thursday and negotiate through the Labour Relations and other state mechanisms as it would in Sweden. However Mr. McDonagh said that once again the situation highlighted the need for the
Irish state, on behalf of the Irish people, to take control of Ireland’s natural resources – including oil, gas,
minerals and its forests.
Issued 8th January 2013