Seán O' Cionnaith devoted his life to changing society for the benefit of working people. Every issue
he became involved with was of concern to workers and their families. He organised and fought for the rights of Irish
people to have decent homes, a job, a first class health service free and accessible to all, to have an education system properly
funded and resourced.
He was a republican in the tradition of Wolfe Tone, always seeking to build the unity of Protestant, Catholic
and Dissenter. His life was spent seeking to establish a free independent United Irish Socialist Republic. He
was a Socialist who followed the ideals and principles of James Connolly and, like Connolly, he was completely and utterly
opposed to Capitalism and all the evils that it creates.
There will be a commemoration/rememberance of the life and work of Seán Ó
Cionnaith held in March, the full details will be available soon.