On International Womens Day the Workers Party asks what is the Assembly
doing for women in Northern Ireland and suggests that the appointment of a Women’s Minister
would be a positive first step.
The Party’s statement also calls for
- Implementation and funding of the draft Childcare Strategy for Northern Ireland
- Immediately assessing the impact on women of the Welfare Reform Bill
- Ending the current public sector pay freeze
- Publishing guidelines on abortion in Northern Ireland without further delay and rejecting the amendment
to the Criminal Justice Bill
- Ceasing to promote Northern Ireland as a low wage economy
The Workers' Party has produced a document entitled "What is the Assembly doing for women
in Northern Ireland?" which can be downloaded by visiting our Northern Ireland website, simply follow this link http://workerspartyelection.wordpress.com/2013/03/08/international-womens-day/
Meanwhile the Bray Branch of the Workers' Party in Co. Wicklow is tonight (Friday) holding a public meeting
including a showing of the film "Mother Jones, the most dangerous woman in America" which tells the story of Cork-born Mary
Harris Jones, an emigrant from post-famine Ireland who became a leading activist in the mine workers union in the USA. In
her 60s, 70s and 80s she travelled thousands of miles across the USA, organising strikes, resisting lockouts, fighting
corrupt police and officialdom - and often ending up in prison. The film, by US writer and film-maker Rosemary
Feurer, will be shown at 7.30pm at the Strand Hotel, Bray and followed by debate and discussion.