The Meath East bye election campaign has been an important step in the
re-building of The Workers Party locally and nationally. However, it has also underlined the dominance of right wing
parties in spite of the disastrous impact their policies have had for working people in this and in previous governments.
We are pleased with the campaign we ran and the unquestionable benefits
it has brought us. We are naturally disappointed with the overall vote we achieved, but despite limited resources and a very
short campaign we have seen tangible improvements in the Party organisation.
We achieved a level of local and national media coverage we have not
had for some time. We had an active presence on the doorsteps in all parts of the constituency, we distributed almost 100,000
pieces of election literature and we have gained new members and supporters in the constituency. All of this augurs well for
the growth of the Party in the future.
In addition the Party manifesto not only correctly identified and addressed
the critical issues facing the working class today but put forward a clear alternative policy programme.
A fuller analysis of the election and its implications for both the
Party and the political situation in the country today will be made soon and will be discussed throughout the Party.
However a number of salient points are immediately of some significance:
1. The
low turnout of 38% and the implications of that for democracy and public life.
2. The
combined vote of 75% for both FG and FF and 7% for Direct Democracy Ireland (Ireland’s version of UKIP?), making 82%
for right wing Parties.
3. The
collapse of the Labour vote from 21% to 4%.
These are matters of some importance which require further elaboration.
Finally, we all wish to record our thanks to the Party candidate Seamus
McDonagh, the membership in Meath and those who worked so hard during the campaign. They can certainly not be faulted for
their efforts and their outstanding commitment.