Education – Special Needs Pupils Cut
Government slashes most vulnerable -
The Workers Party held a protest in the centre of Lucan village yesterday (June 21st) against the latest cuts in supports
to Special Needs children.
For three years in a row
special needs education has been cut. This is the provision of special needs
assistants and additional teaching support given to children with speech and
language disorders, hearing impairment, autism etc. Condemning the cuts, local Workers Party representative and
Party President Michael Finnegan said, "In 2011 – there was a cut of 10%, in 2012 a cut
of 5% and this year – 2013 –
it is proposed that 10% be cut. This amounts to a quarter of all the essential supports
needed now cut".
"The number of needy
children has grown by 4,000. Schools applying for additional resources for the
extra pupils have been refused. The government say that schools will have to
make do with what they have. The reality is that these children will be given a
much shorter extra teaching time. Also, all children benefit from the presence
of special needs assistants but now many classes will have to do without. Children only get one chance
– they will
never recover what is now taken from them. This is a savage attack on the most vulnerable
children", said Michael.
This government is
reversing the steady progress towards equality which the Education Act of 2004
(EPSEN Act) provided. This Act gave
the same rights to education for special needs
children as others The right to be
educated inclusively
The right to education appropriate to needs in order to reach full potential
The right to leave school with the skills necessary to participate in society and
live independent and fulfilled lives (as far as their capacity allows).
Michael Finnegan concluded, "These cuts represent
a steady erosion of the rights of special needs children. Surely a tax or levy on those earning
more than €100,000 would
be a fairer approach than destroying the lives of children
forever?". He urged people to contact
the offices,
clinics or Dáil offices of the local TDs and the TDS, to email and contact information can be
got from Lucan Newsletter or TDs websites. Demand that they be reversed. Make your voice heard as this issue impacts
on all of society. They are
Fitzgerald, Minister for
Tuffy, Chair of Education
Committee. On being appointed
Joanna said, “Ireland’s resilience in previous recessions has in past decades
been attributed to our education system. Amid current difficulties, the
Committee will have a role in ensuring our education system benefits all of
society and helps everyone reach their best potential”.
Dowds , former teacher and
high profile backbencher
Keating received many
votes in last election because of his stand on education. Now is his chance to
prove that this was not just opportunism but that he was actually genuinely
committed to defending the weakest within the education
For more info on the campaign contact Michael Finnegan on (087) 263-1524.