Michael Finnegan has lived in Lucan for many years. Since the 1980s he has been at the forefrong of
higlighting the political corruption that has blighted the development of the area.
He was centrally involved in previous campaigns to stop the introduction of water charges. Michael has campaigned
for facilities for the young and was prominent in the campaign to prevent the removal of the medical card for the over 70s.
Locally, he has supported demands for a swimming pool and improved library facilities.
Michael said, "I have opposed both bin charges and the property tax. I believe improved local services should
be funded through a fair taxation system, not increased charges on hard pressed families".
Married to Anne, with two adult children, Michael has previously worked as a trade union organiser and building
worker. He is President of the Workers' Party and a committed socialist.
To contact Michael for help with an issue or to join his campaign, telephone him at (087) 624-1524.