Hundreds vent their anger on government charge and pledge to fight all the way

Above: some of those on the platform in Waterford (L-R): Tommy Hogan (Waterford), Cllr. Bríd
Smith (People Before Profit, Dublin), Cllr. Dick Roche (Ind, Waterford) and Cllr. Davy Walsh (Workers' Party, Waterford).
Photo courtesy of John Power Photography, Waterford.
Almost one thousand people crammed into the main conference room of Waterford's
Tower Hotel this week (7/2/2012) in opposition to the government's Household Charge and to build on the organisation
against he charges locally under the banner "Don't Register, Don't Pay".
A strong panel addressed the meeting, including TDs, trade unionists
and grass roots activists. Among them was local Workers Party councillor Davy Walsh, a veteran of the campaign against
service charges who is deeply involved in the local campaign against the Household Charges. Cllr. Walsh,
with the support of local independent Cllr. Dick Roche, has put down a motion opposing the charges to next Monday night's
meeting of Waterford City Council and a major protest is due to take place outside the City Hall in support of their motion
on Monday evening, starting at 5pm.
Peace, Work, Democracy & Class Politics